Flexible work is no longer something for only gig workers or freelancers—many “traditional” employers are offering flexible schedules to their employees as well. As an employer, you might be hesitant to offer flexible scheduling to your staff. After all, aren’t they the only ones who benefit?
While it’s true that employees benefit from flexible schedules, smart employers know that offering flexible schedules benefits them, too. From being a green company to having an edge in recruitment and improving diversity, the benefits of flexible work for companies can help your business stay ahead of the competition.
The easiest way to define workplace flexibility is to think of it as an agreement between employer and employee. The agreement usually consists of three components. Employees can:
Choose where they work from
Create a work schedule that works best for them
Schedule their work day however they want
As an employer, you may think that this sounds like a freelancer schedule. And, freelancing is, indeed, one category of flexible work. However, flexible work can also include:
Part-time work
Fully remote teams
Work-from-anywhere arrangements
Compressed work weeks (working 40 hours over four days instead of five)